Collaborated with HKRITA and H&M, Novetex Textiles Limited has opened an Upcycling Factory in Tai Po Industrial Estate in September, which uses new technology to separate fabric blends in waste garments and produce yarn. In view of this, HKIAIA has planned a factory visit in November for members.
It is time to gather around and celebrate the Year of the Dog and HKIAIA intends to kick start this festive season with a BANG at our Annual Gala Dinner on March 22nd, 2018 (Thursday). HKIAIA is partnering with HK Breast Cancer Foundation (HKBCF) in its first ever charity event. Our goal is to help...
Hong Kong Intimate Apparel Industries Association (HKIAIA) together with HK Breast Cancer Foundation (HKBCF), will be spearheading a charity fundraising event on March 22, 2018. Our main and common goal is to raise fund to support HKBCF’s new centre in Kowloon, providing them with new equipment, patients’ support services and breast health education programmes. On...
Hong Kong Productivity Council (HKPC) provides a full range of support to the intimate apparel industry, ranging from technology and product development, management enhancement to green manufacturing. To learn more about it, you are cordially invited to participate in a tour organized by HKPC for HKIAIA Members. After the tour, you can also meet with...
This is a Seminar jointly organized by HKIAIA and Google(HK) . Tentative Rundown:  6:00-6:30p.m.  General Industry Insight on search behavior – by Ms Iris Yang, Senior Industry Consultant, Google Hong Kong 6:30-7:00p.m.  Artificial Intelligence and Smart technology at Google – Ms Leonie Valentine, Managing Director, Sales & Operations, Google Hong Kong 7:00-8:00p.m.  Networking session
1) Welcome Remarks Speaker/Ms. Angie Lau (Chairlady, Hong Kong Intimate Apparel Industries' Association Ltd. ) 2)New Consumption Pattern and Opportunities Under "Athleisure Speaker/Mr. Alex Young (Group CEO, Tex-Ray Industrial Co., Ltd) 3)The Key to Success for New Generation Functional Textiles  – Application of Innovative   Technology by TexRay Industrial Co., Ltd. Speaker/Mr. Aero Chu (Division Manager,...
This annual event provided Members with an excellent opportunity for establishing a closer communication and relationship with those in the trade and your business associates.